Australian Partner Visas - QUESTRA

Australian Partner Visas

Partner Visa types

You may be eligible for a Partner Visa if you are engaged or married to an Australian (or an eligible New Zealander) or you live in a de facto relationship. This includes same-sex couples.

How to Apply For a Partner Visa To Australia?

To be eligible for a Partner Visa, you must be either married or in a de facto relationship with an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen, and be able to prove that your relationship is genuine.

Relationship evidence?

Partner Visas are closely scrutinised by the DOHA and a successful application depends on the quality and quantity of evidence of your genuine and ongoing relationship. You will be assessed against four key aspects, which includes:

  • the financial aspects of the relationship
  • the social aspects of the relationship
  • the nature of the household
  • the nature of the commitment

When you work with the team at Questra, we will guide you on the evidence you must present, and how you can improve your chances of a successful application.

De facto Relationship – 12 Months Cohabitation

  • A de facto relationship would require evidence that you have lived with your partner for the last 12 months. The Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) requires documentary evidence that you have lived together for 12 months prior to lodging your application.
  • If you are married, you do not need to show 12 months of cohabitation but will need to show that you are currently living together. If you have had your relationship registered in an Australian state or territory, you would be similarly exempt from the 12-month cohabitation requirement.

Do I apply in Australia or outside?

You can apply for a Partner Visa from within Australia (Subclass 820/801), or from outside of Australia (Subclass 309/100). If you apply onshore from within Australia, you are eligible for a Bridging Visa A, allowing you live and work in Australia whilst waiting for the outcome of the Partner Visa application.

Temporary to permanent residency for partners?

Many partner visa options are a two-part process, where you are first granted a temporary Subclass 820 Partner Visa or a Subclass 300 Partner Visa. After approximately two years, if the relationship is still ongoing or there are exceptional circumstances, then you may be eligible to apply for a permanent Subclass 801 Partner Visa or a subclass 100 Partner Visa.

Work Rights

Once your partner visa is granted, you have full work rights and you can live anywhere in Australia. If your partner visa is lodged whilst you are in Australia (this option is available to married and de facto couples), you may go onto a bridging visa that will allow you work during the processing time. We can tell you more about how this works.

Key takeaway

Partner visas are closely scrutinised by the DOHA and a successful application depends on the quality and quantity of evidence of your genuine and ongoing relationship. When you work with the team at Questra, we will guide you on the evidence you must present, and how you can improve your chances of a successful application.

Superior migration expertise at your side.

Looking to live with your partner In Australia?

Applying to live with your partner in Australia can be a complex process. We walk you and your partner through every step of the process to make it a stress-free experience. Contact one of our migration specialists today to find out more.



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